Prabhu Shankar Agarwal, co-owner of the Rs 500 crore Haldiram Bhujiawala snacks and sweets chain, has been sentenced to life imprisonment, along with four others, for an attempt to murder case of 2005.
A Kolkata court passed the sentence on Friday, two days after Agarwal and four others were found guilty of trying to murder Pramod Sharma, nephew of Satyanarayan Singh who owns a tea stall in front of a property Agarwal was developing in Kolkata's Burrabazar area.
Agarwal had offered Satyanarayan Rs 4 lakh at gunpoint to move his shop. When Satyanarayan refused, Agarwal and his aide Arun Khandelwal gave a local goon, Gopal Tiwari and his henchmen Raja Sonkar and Manoj Thakur, a contract to kill him. On March 30, 2005, the three shot at Pramod Sharma, Satyanarayan's nephew, by mistake.
The lawyers of all five convicted have said they will appeal against the life imprisonment sentence.
A Kolkata court passed the sentence on Friday, two days after Agarwal and four others were found guilty of trying to murder Pramod Sharma, nephew of Satyanarayan Singh who owns a tea stall in front of a property Agarwal was developing in Kolkata's Burrabazar area.
Agarwal had offered Satyanarayan Rs 4 lakh at gunpoint to move his shop. When Satyanarayan refused, Agarwal and his aide Arun Khandelwal gave a local goon, Gopal Tiwari and his henchmen Raja Sonkar and Manoj Thakur, a contract to kill him. On March 30, 2005, the three shot at Pramod Sharma, Satyanarayan's nephew, by mistake.
The lawyers of all five convicted have said they will appeal against the life imprisonment sentence.
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